“Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised. His greatness is unsearchable. My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord, and let all flesh bless His Holy name forever and ever”
–Psalm 145:3, 21

We want to welcome all to the public worship of the Lord.  We pray that God will bless you and all who: give thanks to Him, praise Him, pray to Him, hear His word and will for our lives, believe and enjoy the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ, celebrate His gospel promises, and encourage one another in Christ-centered fellowship and mission.  Bring your whole family.  Nursery provided for children 4 and under!

Our services are at 9:30 am and 5:50pm. Join Us!!


We believe we were Created and Redeemed in Jesus Christ to worship God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, One God in three persons, blessed Trinity. We pray and order our worship on what God has commanded us to do for His worship in the Bible, God’s Holy Word. Worship is to be God centered where He calls His people to worship Him, praise Him, thank Him, pray to Him, confess our sins to Him and be assured of the gospel’s good news that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness for the sake of Jesus whose obedience, righteousness, and holiness are ours by faith alone in Christ alone. The blood of Jesus shed once and for all covers all our sins and gives us confident access to God’s Holy Majestic throne of grace and mercy. When we are called and brought together before God in worship, we desperately and longingly need to hear from God speaking to us through the preaching of His word. The Holy Spirit works powerfully, through the preaching and hearing of God’s word, the Bible. God works many blessings through the faithful preaching of God’s word. First and foremost, people come to saving faith in Jesus! And believers are convicted, comforted, and changed more and more to conform to the likeness of Jesus Christ. Hearing God’s word expounded and applied, we are equipped for works of gospel service to God, to each other, and to our neighbors so that we can love and help others with the good news of Jesus.

The Lord Jesus commanded His church to observe two sacraments, holy signs and seals, of the gospel and the new covenant relationship we have in Christ. Those sacraments are: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We love to gather together for public worship of God on the Lord’s Day, the first day of the week, in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, which happened on the first day of the week, as well as remembering the out-pouring of the Holy Spirit at the beginning of the New Testament church to empower believers to live and be witnesses for Christ to the whole world, which also took place on the first day of the week. We pray that all who come to worship will give God the glory, praise, thanks, and honor He deserves from transformed lives. We pray that when we leave worship we leave spiritually renewed, refreshed, and encouraged to keep looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, who promised to return to this world and gather His whole church from all the nations, from all time, for the most glorious, joy-filled, Holy, everlasting, and awesome worship of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, blessed Trinity.We pray that when we leave worship,  we leave spiritually renewed, refreshed, and encouraged to keep looking to Jesus,  the author and finisher of our faith, who promised to return to this world and gather His whole church from all the nations, from all time, for the most glorious, joy-filled, Holy, everlasting, and awesome worship of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, blessed Trinity.